Monday, 14 September 2009

Assessment 1


Sector: Games

  1. Description of what someone with this job title is generally involved in (where appropriate you should collect a typical job description

This what you would do if you want to be a game designer. What you'll do each day in a computer game design job depends on the career path you choose. You'll find job opportunities at every phase of the computer game design process, from the initial planning, to designing characters and environments, to programming. The following tasks are all part of producing an enjoyable video game:

Designing elements such as characters, levels, puzzles, etc.

Art and animation

Coding and programming

Project management (budgeting, time management, and communication with other departments)


  1. Description of where in the development and production process a person with each of these job titles is usually most involved


  1. Description how someone with this job title may have begun working in the industry and what qualifications he/she needed

Going to college and doing a digital media degree or computing degree. There are also degree courses in Games Development

  1. Description of how someone with this job title can progress within the industry and what qualifications may be required

Managing the Games Process. Project Management Software and management skills

  1. Provided your sources of information


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